- main gallery
- sticky notes
- the closet
- under construction
- html, css, javascript, and CAD
- downloads
- other artists
- arthouse theaters
11.19.24 // I want to find a custom font for the site too. Would make things so much cleaner. I like the old fuzzy tv effect people are putting on everything as well. Maybe should keep that off the gallery page though.
11.17.24 // I need to find some way to make the gallery images load faster. The whole site is about my art anyway. I also need to make a little CSS box for this To-Do list. You know, the kind that scrolls and looks really clean. All the cool kids have it. But back to the gallery, it needs to have descriptions for all the images and they should be clickable so you can get a better view of my messy pencil lines. Also, jeez, my color scheme is ugly.